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Benchmarking Process Variants - Visualization
Benchmarking Process Variants - Visualization
Benchmarking PPIs - Bar Chart
Benchmarking PPIs - Bar Chart

Type: Tool Sheet


  • Compare process patterns and process performance indicators for two versions of a process based on any selection

    • Use filter selections to fine tune the process you want to visualize
    • KPI & PPI figures will recalculate based on the filters applied, but do not change when simply adjusting the number of variants shown
  • Compare two different departments or divisions within a company which may use different process flows to complete the same process

  • Compare the same process in different regions

  • Compare the same process in different quarters or years

  • Compare the same purchasing process with different suppliers or product classes

  • See two versions of a process side by side or overlay a benchmark process on a to-be-compared process

    • Each version is color coded differently to help tell them apart and highlight the differences
  • Easily identify deviations from the benchmark process

  • Use the bar chart at the bottom to filter processes based on specific context information

Business Benefits

By easily identifying the differences between two process contexts, you can:

  • identify improvement potentials

  • detect optimization potentials for single process contexts

  • standardize and harmonize a process

📝 Note: The Business User course in mpmX eLearning has two indepth videos showing how to use the Benchmarking sheet to gather important insights.

Interpreting the Visualizations


Filters on the top left and right
Filters on the top left and right

The filters at the top of the page, both left and right, can be used to define the two versions of the process you want to look at - for instance two regions (e.g. Europe vs N.America), two years (e.g. this year vs previous year), two products or two suppliers.

Key Figures

PPIs Comparison - Center of the Sheet
PPIs Comparison - Center of the Sheet
The PPIs in the middle of the page show the left and right versions of the process for easy comparison. They are color coded to match their respective process to tell them apart with ease.

The PPIs represent the whole process and will recalculate as you modify the filters for the processes, but they will not change as you adjust the number of variants shown (e.g. top three variants vs top 10 variants).

In the picture above you see the right side has almost a third more cases, but far fewer variants, than the process version on the left, which means it is much more standardized, and this positively impacts the % First Time Right Cases KPI.

Benchmark a Process

You could simply look at two process versions side by side, but you can also overlay them to see the differences right away.

Click the button Click to Show Benchmark Process in the center of the sheet to move the left-side process over to the right side and on top of what was there. The goal, then, is to see how the left-side process differs from the benchmark process on the right.

Benchmark Process Button
Benchmark Process Button

Here is an example of how this could look like:

Example of Benchmark Process Overlay
Example of Benchmark Process Overlay

Nodes from the left-side process version that are different from the right-side will have a white filling. Nodes that are unqiue to the right-side process version have a grey inner filling.

Edges from process that are different will be dashed and colored in the color that represents their process version. So if the left-side process is blue, then edges that only show in the left-side process will be dashed blue.

Edges that are the same for both processes will be a solid line in the left-side process' color (here that is blue). All edges (dashed or solid) that are in the benchmark (right side) process' color (here pink) are unique to the benchmark and do not appear in the left-side process.

Bar Chart

Benchmarking PPIs - Bar Chart
Benchmarking PPIs - Bar Chart
Scroll down below the process analyzers to find two bar charts, reflecting each process version. Use the X-axis dropdown to change the dimension and Y-axis dropdown to change the measure to filter for a very specific process version and use this in your process comparison above.